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经验 2024年04月16日 13:32 684 admin
### Title: How to Say "Long Time No See" in English for Bodybuilders In English, bodybuilders can use the phrase "Long time no see" to greet someone they haven't seen in a while. This phrase is informal and friendly, making it a suitable choice for reconnecting with fellow athletes or trainers. It conveys a sense of familiarity and warmth, which can help strengthen relationships within the fitness community. When using this phrase, bodybuilders should pay attention to their tone and body language to ensure that their message is received positively. By combining this English greeting with a smile and a firm handshake, bodybuilders can create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere in the gym or at fitness events. In addition to verbal greetings, bodybuilders can also express their enthusiasm for seeing someone again through non-verbal cues such as a nod of recognition or a friendly wave. These gestures can further enhance the sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among athletes in the bodybuilding community. Overall, using the phrase "Long time no see" in English is a simple yet effective way for bodybuilders to reconnect with their peers and strengthen their bonds within the fitness industry. By incorporating this greeting into their interactions, bodybuilders can foster a sense of unity and support that can benefit their training and competition experiences.

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